St Agnes

Catholic High School

July 5 newsletter ​term 2

Principal's message

Dear Parents, Students and Staff,

We are at the end of Term 2 and it has been a busy term with a great deal happening at St Agnes. We are blessed to have ​enthusiastic students actively engaged in their learning, participating in extracurricular programs and external sports. These ​activities are published in the “Around the Classroom'' newsletter section. This gives an insight into what is happening in the ​classrooms, on excursions, incursions, field trips and volunteering. Although the weather has been a hindrance, our students ​have been able to participate in some PDSSSC sports such as Cross Country and Soccer.

I would like to thank the dedicated teachers who provide a range of learning experiences, and extracurricular initiatives, and ​who organise and manage sporting teams that enable our students to engage in such a wide range of activities.

Recently, I was fortunate to attend a two-day retreat focusing on St Francis. St Agnes has a Franciscan charism of simplicity, ​acceptance of all and a deep personal love of Jesus. Francis had an extraordinary impact on his family, friends and the ​Church hierarchy. His powerful statement, ‘Do all you can to preach the gospel and if necessary, use words’ is still a profound ​statement reflecting on the importance of living out the Gospel, not just preaching the words.

Franciscan theology conforms to broader doctrine within the Catholic Church but involves several unique emphases. ​Franciscan theologians view creation, the natural world, as good and joyous, and avoid dwelling on the ‘stain of original sin’. ​In his work Canticle of the Creatures, Francis expressed great affection towards animals and inanimate natural objects as ​fellow inhabitants of God’s creation.

The Canticle of Creation

(by Saint Francis of Assisi)

O Most High, all-powerful, good Lord God,

to you belong praise, glory,

honour and all blessing.

Be praised, my Lord, for all your creation

and especially for our Brother Sun,

who brings us the day and the light;

he is strong and shines magnificently.

O Lord, we think of you when we look at him.

Be praised, my Lord, for Sister Moon,

and for the stars

which you have set shining and lovely

in the heavens.

Be praised, my Lord,

for our Brothers Wind and Air

and every kind of weather

by which you, Lord,

uphold life in all your creatures.

Be praised, my Lord, for Sister Water,

who is very useful to us,

and humble and precious and pure.

Be praised, my Lord, for Brother Fire,

through whom you give us light in the darkness:

he is bright and lively and strong.

Be praised, my Lord,

for Sister Earth, our Mother,

who nourishes us and sustains us,

bringing forth

fruits and vegetables of many kinds

and flowers of many colours.

Be praised, my Lord,

for those who forgive for love of you;

and for those

who bear sickness and weakness

in peace and patience

- you will grant them a crown.

Be praised, my Lord, for our Sister Death,

whom we must all face.

I praise and bless you, Lord,

and I give thanks to you,

and I will serve you in all humility.

Harmony Day Thank You

Our Harmony Day on June 21st was a tremendous success, offering a unique opportunity for our ​diverse school community to come together and celebrate our cultural backgrounds through ​performances, a cultural picnic and year-group challenges. We also heard from the inspiring ​Adjoa Assan, a guest speaker from Western Sydney, who has a law degree and offered a ​memorable speech on self-efficacy, inclusion and belonging.

I would like to extend my gratitude and congratulations to our Year 12 School Leaders: Jewel Osborne, Beminet Habte, William ​Planer, Amir Gorgise, Sienna Edwards, and Bronte Norris, for their exceptional planning and organisation. A special thanks go to ​our Year 11 Events and Sports Portfolio Leaders who played a pivotal role during the lead-up and on the day itself. Miss Fielding, ​our Cultural Diversity Leader, worked tirelessly with our school leaders, Mission Team, and teachers to bring this day to life and I ​also extend my thanks to her.

For our parent evening performance, we raised over $1000 which was donated to the non-profit organisation ‘Together for ​Humanity’. Over the past five weeks, ‘Together For Humanity’ has engaged our students in workshops designed to foster ​intercultural understanding and acceptance of differences, with a focus on ethnicity and faith. I would also like to thank this ​organisation for its programs and work within our school.

Creative Hub Update

We will start using our new Creative Hub building from the commencement of Term 3. Our teachers were busy moving the TAS ​and Creative Arts resources and materials from the old building to the new learning spaces on Thursday. I would like to thank ​the staff who assisted the Creative Arts and TAS teachers in packing and unpacking boxes ready to commence teaching in the ​Creative Hub.

The new building has 3 storeys and we have given each level the following names:

Ground Level - Roberts - named for Sue Roberts, replacing the previous building on the site.

Level 1 - Joseph - named for St Joseph the patron saint of carpenters.

Level 2 - Hildegard - named for St Hildegard, the patron saint of artists.

These names will be used in the new timetables issued to students before they commence Term 3 on 23rd July. Keep an eye out ​in Term 3 for our social media posts to see more images of the new Creative Hub and how teachers and students are using ​these new spaces.

Student Led Conferences

Thank you to parents, students and teachers who participated in the Student Led Conferences this term. This was an ​opportunity to discuss the learning progress of students and an opportunity to assist them in setting specific goals. I ​encourage students to work hard and focus on continually striving to improve and set goals for Semester 2 to improve their ​learning and wellbeing.

Year 7 2025

Interviews and Enrolments

A fourth round of Year 7 2025 interviews took place a few weeks ago. The Leadership team interviewed and offered places to ​the majority of students interviewed. It is a pleasure to meet the parents and future students, discussing the St Agnes Way of ​Being and the need to be committed to their learning, as well as the importance of being intrinsically motivated. I would like to ​thank our Leadership Team for volunteering their time to interview our incoming students.

All students who wish to enrol at St Agnes, including the siblings of students who are currently enrolled in the school, need to ​complete an application form. If you have a daughter or son who is in Year 6 and you want them to attend St Agnes in 2025, ​it is essential that you submit your enrolment form as soon as possible, otherwise, you will miss out on a place at the school.

Indigenous Veterans

Commemorative Service (Update)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have served in every war and conflict since the Boer War. Although they fought ​and died shoulder-to-shoulder with their fellow Australians, they returned home to a country that refused to acknowledge ​them as citizens and denied them the recognition and entitlements they had earned. Although we can’t change the past, the ​Indigenous Veterans Commemoration Service provides an opportunity to recognise and honour Indigenous veterans. Held ​annually during National Reconciliation Week (27 May-3 June), now in its seventeenth year. The 2024 Indigenous Veterans ​Commemoration Service took place on Friday 31 May at the ANZAC memorial around the Pool of Reflection in Hyde Park.

Students from St Agnes attended the ceremony, alongside Miss Clark. I would like to thank our Junior Aboriginal, Education, ​Consultative Group (JAECG) students Eli Kendrigan, Jordana Jacobs, Bailey Wright, Jace Morrison Bronte-Rose Marks and ​Miss Clark who attended the ceremony and showed their respects by laying a wreath. They were wonderful ambassadors ​representing our school.

TTFM Parent Data

Thank you to the 108 parents and carers who completed the TTFM Survey earlier in the term. Your feedback is greatly ​appreciated and helps us maintain our commitment to working in partnership to further improve learning and well-being at ​St Agnes Catholic High School.

We have received the data and I am pleased to say that our data keeps improving in the majority of the categories outlined in ​the survey. I have included a copy of the parent overview data which also has an explanation of what the data means.

Who to talk to for Assistance at St Agnes

A positive partnership between parents and school is vital to promote the optimum learning environment for your child. ​Parents/carers must form a strong, open relationship with their child’s teachers as they are the people in the school who will ​come to know your child best. Parents/carers and teachers need to work closely together for the benefit of each child.

It is not unusual for conversations to be about concerns you have about your child’s progress or general school matters. ​Minor concerns may become bigger issues if you do not address them with school staff. We have found most issues are best ​resolved through prompt and courteous communication, directly with your classroom teacher or Learning Advisor in the first ​instance. The diagram below shows a flowchart outlining who you need to talk to if you have a wellbeing or curriculum ​concern

Parents are welcome to meet with teachers at any time of the year to discuss their child’s progress. Unscheduled meetings are ​difficult for teachers to accommodate. Please either contact the office at 8882 0700 or contact the teacher through email ​( to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet.

If you feel that a situation requires further support, please follow the chart above for the correct line of communication.

To achieve an effective resolution for all parties, when making your complaint, you should ensure that you:

  • Provide complete and factual information in a timely manner
  • Deliver your complaint/issue in a calm and reasoned manner
  • Avoid making frivolous or vexatious complaints
  • Do not provide deliberately false or misleading information

St Agnes is committed to ensuring that all complaints are dealt with in a fair and equitable manner. There are processes and ​support networks in place to enable you and your child to work through any issues or concerns you may have.

When a complaint is made to our school via phone (88820700) or by email ( we follow our ​Complaints Handling Policy which is available on our website.

FAL Construction

We extend our deepest gratitude to FAL Construction for their generous sponsorship of scholarships for our students. For ​over three decades, FAL Construction has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to excellence in construction, always ​placing clients at the forefront of every project. Their dedication to delivering the highest standard of service and quality ​aligns perfectly with our mission, and we are honoured to have them as partners in our endeavours.

With meticulous attention to detail, a wealth of knowledge, and a passion for collaboration, FAL Construction ensures that ​projects are completed on time, on budget, and exceed expectations. Their understanding of the unique requirements of ​educational facilities, from kindergarten to university campuses, is unparalleled, as evidenced by their involvement in over 300 ​school projects across NSW.

We are thrilled to collaborate with FAL Construction to empower future generations through the delivery of top-tier ​educational facilities, and we look forward to continuing our partnership for years to come.

As we wrap up this term, I want to express my gratitude to our students, staff, and families for their hard work and ​dedication. Your continued support and commitment to our school community make all the difference. Wishing everyone a ​restful and enjoyable break. Happy holidays, and see you all refreshed and ready for the new term!

Warm regards,

Ms J Holland



CLICK HERE to access our Parent Calendar. Click subscribe at the bottom to connect the school calendar to yours and stay up to date with school events

8 - 21 July

School Holidays

22 July

Staff Development Day

23 July

Term 3 Commences

2 August

Staff Development Day

5 - 16 August

Trial HSC

10 - 18 Augus​t

Science Week

10 - 23 September

Year 11 Exams

25 September

Year 12 Graduation

To Truth Through Love

From the Assistant Principal - Learning Transformation

Semester 1 Reports

Reports were issued to the students in Years 7 - 10 last week. Our Year 12 students received their Semester 1 report earlier in ​the term and Year 11 will be given their report early Term 4 before commencing the HSC.

When teachers issue a grade, they use the common grade scale (see below) in order to ensure that this is a true reflection of a ​student’s ability. As you know, we have a variety of assessment types for every year group and the students are expected to ​demonstrate their knowledge, skills, understanding and application of the associated skill. The class teacher then uses the ​formal and informal assessment data and together with their own professional knowledge, they award a grade. Along with the ​grade, teachers also reveal how the students have been progressing in class through the Learning Profiles and also, the ​attainment of each outcome assessed throughout the reporting period.

Together with their parents, students are strongly encouraged to take time to read their report and determine the next steps ​for the next term so that improvements can be made.

These explanations are taken directly from the NESA website and all parents/carers are encouraged to have a closer look. ​Should there be any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher/s, the relevant Leader of Learning or ​myself.

Trial HSC

Our Year 12 students have been issued their Trial Timetable and the teachers have prepared a Study Week during the break ​from 15th - 19th July (both timetables are below). The students must make the most of every option available to them as they ​prepare for these important examinations. In many respects, the exams confirm for the students what they know, but more ​importantly, highlights the key areas that must be addressed before the actual HSC in October/November.

Study Week Timetable

Trial HSC Timetable

Week 1



Monday 5th August

English: Advanced

English: Standard

English Studies

08.25am - 10.05am

08.25am - 10.05am

08.25am - 11.05am

VET Business Services

12.05pm - 2.10pm

Tuesday 6th August



English: Advanced

English: Standard

08.25am - 10.30am

08.25am - 10.30am

Aboriginal Studies

12.05pm - 3.10pm

Wednesday 7th August



Modern History

Music 1 

08.25am - 11.30am

08.25am - 11.30am

Industrial Technology - Timber

VET Retail Services

12.05pm - 1.40pm

12.05pm - 2.10pm

Thursday 8th August





VET Entertainment

08.25am - 10.00am

08.25am - 11.30am

08.25am - 2.25pm

VET Hospitality (Food & Beverage)


12.05pm - 2.10pm

12.05pm - 4.00pm

Friday 9th August





08.25am - 11.30am

08.25am - 11.30am

Investigating Science

12.05pm - 3.10pm

Week 2

Monday 12th August



Mathematics Standard 1

Mathematics Standard 2

Mathematics Advanced

08.25am - 11.00am

08.25am - 11.30am

08.25am - 11.30am


Design and Technology

12.05pm - 3.10pm

12.05pm - 3.10pm

Tuesday 13th August



Society and Culture


08.25am - 10.30am

08.25am - 11.30am


12.05pm - 3.10pm

Wednesday 14th August



Business Studies

08.25am - 11.30am

Ancient History 

English Extension 1

12.05pm - 3.10pm

12.05pm - 2.10pm

Thursday 15th August



Food Technology

08.25am - 11.30am


Drama class

12.05pm - 3.10pm

12.05pm - 4.00pm

Friday 16th August



Legal StudiesVisual Arts

08.25am - 11.30am

08.25am - 10.00am


12.05pm - 2.10pm

Week 3

Monday 19th August




VET Construction

08.25am - 11.30am

08.25am - 10.30am

History Extension

Allied Health

12.05pm - 2.10pm

12.05pm - 2.10pm

Please read -

  • If you have a Cluster class OR CAPTIVATE class OR School of Now OR VET class, you must attend the sessions. If there is ​a clash, let Mr Kemmis know ASAP! Your exam will be moved to accommodate the class/es mentioned above.
  • All exams will take place in the lower level of the San Damiano Centre unless otherwise indicated.
  • Special Provisions also will occur in the upper level of the San Damiano Centre.
  • Students need only attend school when they have an exam and must wear their full school uniform.
  • If attending a morning exam, students must be at school before 8.10am.
  • If attending a late morning/early afternoon exam, students must be at school at least 30 minutes prior to the exam ​start time.
  • When arriving for a late morning exam or leaving school after an exam, please do so respectfully and remember to be ​courteous to others.
  • In the event of a student being required to complete both a morning and afternoon exam, students may not leave the ​school grounds between exams. The library will be available for private study prior to and between exams. The canteen will ​also be available.
  • All equipment MUST be placed in a clear plastic sleeve (no pencil cases) AND you are permitted to bring in a clear ​plastic water bottle.
  • In the case of a student being unable to attend an exam due to illness or misadventure, the student has the responsibility ​to:
  • Contact the school (8882 0700) before 8.10am and leave a message for Mrs Tomich, Mr Scarpin and/or Mr Kemmis.

Present a doctor’s certificate to Mr Kemmis at the first available opportunity to verify the absence. (Upon presentation of the ​doctor’s certificate and completion of a relevant misadventure form, a new time to sit the exam will be negotiated). If you do not, ​then a ZERO shall be applied to the exam/s and a Warning Letter will be issued.

All students return to school on

Tuesday 20th August 2024

Study Skills

This week Dr Prue Salter from Enhanced Learning Educational Services ​( ran a study skills session with Year 12, building ​on the work done with the students last year. Year 12 looked at advanced ​research about the brain and how that could be used to make their study ​more effective. Steps to make study notes more effective were highlighted, ​and students also examined the study techniques they traditionally used, ​exploring new techniques they could try. Students also examined how much ​time they should allocate to schoolwork during term time and the holidays ​and the type of independent learning they should consistently be doing. Dr ​Salter gave Year 12 guidance on planning study time prior to exam blocks, ​including the upcoming holidays and also, students will receive a link to a ​video in Term 3 after the Trial HSC exams to show them how to map out ​their study time from the last day of school through to their final HSC exam.

All secondary students at our school also have access to a great study skills ​website to help students develop their skills.

Learn more at

Our school’s subscription details are -

Username: stagnes

Password: 24success

Mr G Kemmis

Assistant Principal - Learning Transformation

From the Assistant Principal - School Culture

Road Safety

The safety of our students and wider community is paramount to us and we thank the majority of our parents, staff and students ​who continue to work to keep everyone safe. One area which remains a concern is the driver behaviour on Evans Rd each morning ​and afternoon. We ask that all road rules are obeyed at all times including parking in designated areas only, stopping and picking ​up passengers in designated areas only and performing u-turns and 3-point turns in areas that are legal and safe to do so.

Many cars still continue to attempt u-turns in front of the school between Evans Rd and Albert Pde. This is not only illegal, but ​extremely unsafe for other motorists and pedestrians. As stated in previous communications, the police have been in contact with ​the school and are aware of these issues and together with the local council have assured us of additional patrols particularly in our ​peak times.

PBS4L Update

St Agnes, like many schools in the Parramatta Diocese is committed to classrooms and community that focuses on positive ​behaviours for learning. PBS4L aims to help create vibrant and positive learning environments in which all students are supported ​to reach their full potential. Each week students are given a focus for the week that link to PBS4L or our St Agnes Pillars. Some of ​these focus areas over the past few weeks have included dignity and compassion. Students who are identified by their teachers are ​given “free and frequent” awards that go directly to the house competition for the year.

E - Safety Notice

Parents and carers, technology can impact your child's wellbeing and safety. eSafety is here to help your family thrive online. At ​eSafety you can find:

Communication from Busways

This message comes from Busways as they launch an upcoming campaign to ensure that all ​students are travelling safely and are following all travel rules and expectations each day.

• If your child travels to school by bus, please ensure your child has a valid Opal card (either a ​School or Child/Youth Opal card)

• Remind your child to tap on when they board and tap off when they arrive at their stop

• Tapping on and tapping off tells Transport for NSW how many people are using a bus service ​and helps us plan better bus services for your school

• Transport for NSW provides students with free school travel. In return, we ask you to tap on ​and tap off whenever travelling on public transport to and from school. • For more ​information, see the Transport for NSW webpage on school student travel.

Thank you for your continued support

Mr G Hilder

Assistant Principal - School Culture

From the Head of Mission

Pace e bene - Peace and blessings to all members of the St Agnes community.

Year 10 Formation Day

The Year 10 Formation Day occurred on Friday 28th June, at Winbourne Retreat Centre, Mulgoa. The Formation Day was ​designed to allow students to reflect individually and collectively on their current lives and their hopes for the future. As part of ​the Formation Day sessions, students considered the following:

  • Personal values and priorities
  • Relationships with family, friends and God
  • Their future hopes and goals.

I would like to thank the following teachers who attended to support the students on their Formation journey. Mr Sadsad, Mr ​Goco, Mr Cruickshank, Mr Neilson, Mrs Ramasamy, Mrs Le Breton, Miss Liu, Miss Panesar, Ms Woods, Mr Fonua, Mr Sarac, Mr ​Ghorra, Miss Fragomeli and Mrs Holland.

Together for Humanity / ​Channel 9 filming

For the last few months, Mr Goco, Mr Sadsad and the FIA team have engaged the Together for Humanity organisation to work ​with our students regarding faith, interfaith dialogue and intercultural understanding to bring the greater community together.

Mr Goco, as FIA coordinator was approached a few weeks ago about being part of a Channel 9 interview relating to the ​organisation. Mr Goco has worked closely with Mr Sadsad, Miss Fielding and the Leadership team, to ensure this interview takes ​place.

Together For Humanity is an inclusive, not-for-profit educational organisation that works with school communities to combat ​prejudice and advance belonging and inclusion. Together For Humanity fosters school students’ interfaith and intercultural ​understanding and, in doing so, brings communities together. Their work contributes to a more socially cohesive Australian ​society that values and respects cultural and religious diversity.

On the 20th June, Channel 9 came to St Agnes to record the organisation working with our students, as well as interview staff ​and students relating to the outreach program.

I wish to thank the following Mission / FIAT Leaders and Leadership team for their support and encouragement of this, Mr Goco, ​Mr Sadsad, Miss Fielding, Mrs Holland, Mr Kemmis, Mrs Hanratty, Mr Hilder, Mr Khan, and Mr Thompson..

Also thank you to the following students involved: Beminet Habte, Amire Gorgise, Ruby O'Keefe, Ellie Almonte (School Leaders, ​Mission Leaders and Mini Vinnies/ FAM) (Faith Alive in me). The link to the interview is HERE

Lifted Leaders-Breakfast ​with the Bishop

On Thursday 27th June, our school leaders, William Planer, ​Sienna Edwards, Bronte Norris, Amire Gorgise, Beminet Habte ​and Jewel Osborne, represented St Agnes at the Annual Lifted ​Breakfast with the Bishop Student conference. This event is ​facilitated by Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv and ​CSPD Executive Director of Schools Jack de Groot. This ​Formation Leadership morning was organised in conjunction ​with Catholic Youth Parramatta. The LIFTED Breakfast with the ​Bishop – Student Leaders’ Forum is an opportunity for students ​to participate in a listening consultation, drawing on the voices ​of their local communities, and contributing to a submission on ​behalf of their peers.

Mr P Madigan

Head of Mission

Around the Classrooms

Battle of the Bands

Week 7 marked the first-ever round of the Battle of the Bands competition. ‘Where’s Jacob?’ and ‘Poison Ivy’ performed two ​pieces to a full house of students, teachers, and judges. Both bands brought an engaging mix of smooth RnB and 90s Metal. ​‘Poison Ivy’ came out on top with their rendition of Metallica's Enter Sandman.

This was the first of several rounds that will continue into Term 3, showcasing a total of 8 student bands until only one ​remains.

In Week 9, two Year 9 bands, ‘The Azzopardi’s’ and ‘Eat Your Heart Out’, were the next to go head-to-head. These two bands ​provided the crowd with exciting costumes and the energy of professional performers. It was a tight call but ‘The Azzopardi’s’ ​were crowned the winners by the panel of judges.

The electric energy is in the air at St Agnes and we cannot wait to see what bands are still to come in Term 3. Here’s a write-​up from one of our student judges, William Planer:

The St Agnes Battle of the Bands has been an amazing experience for students to be entertained and to show off the musical ​talent of our school. The turnout has been great, and the enthusiasm and vibe of the crowd is perfect. Being a part of the ​judge's panel was fun as I was involved in what the future of this event holds. I can't wait for the next one and to see who ​ends up being crowned champion.

U16 Panther Trophy tournament

Our girls' rugby league teams ​participated in the Katrina ​Fanning Cup gala day. The ​U14s went through their pool ​undefeated, with 2 draws and ​2 wins, but unfortunately ​missed out on a finals spot ​due to points. However, our ​U16s had an outstanding ​performance, progressing ​through their pool undefeated ​and making it to the final. ​They triumphed over Chifley ​Bidwell with a thrilling 10-6 ​victory in extra time. This win ​means that our U16 team will ​now progress to compete in ​the Western Sydney Cup ​finals later this year.

Congratulations to both ​teams for their hard work ​and dedication!

Mr S Barnett

Sports Coordinator

Library News!

A ‘Taste’ of Fantasy

Year 7 students enjoyed a ‘literary buffet’ in their English ​lessons this term. This reading activity mimicked a dining ​experience, with each ‘place setting’ offering a different ​fantasy novel for students to try. Students learned how to ​explore book features such as the cover, blurb on the back ​and a sample from inside the novel.

A book-tasting ‘menu’ guided students to reflect on what ​they liked and disliked about different books before ​making a final choice of what to read. Here’s what some ​of our students thought:

“At St Agnes, we have a variety of amazing things. The one ​thing that stands out for me is the Book Tasting. The ​Book Tasting is when your whole class goes into the ​library to look at a new book. Something that I enjoyed ​about the Book Tasting is that we all got to look at 3 new ​books and write a really short review about each book.” ~ ​Angelina

“A Book Tasting is a really good way to engage and get involved in reading books. In my opinion, I loved the Book Tasting as it ​really got me into fantasy books and I also got to read a few books that I haven’t read before.” ~ Mina

July Holidays Reading Challenge

All students are invited to join a Library Reading Challenge in the school holidays. Take a ​photo of yourself completing each of the challenges and bring these to the Library in early ​Term 3 to win a small prize.

Holiday Reading Suggestions….

Some new books in our physical library collection include:

Inspired by Pride and Prejudice this modern tale ​captures the spirit and energy of Austen's original satire of ​manners, while updating and developing it for ​contemporary audiences, coming of age in the 2020s.

The quiet coastal community of Pippi Beach is rocked when ​a party of young Hollywood movie stars and influencers ​arrives for the summer. Like most of the locals, mum Lydia ​is thrilled but her teenage daughter Lily finds the ​Hollywood types are superficial and arrogant – especially ​Dorian Khan, the most famous of them all. Lily’s opinion is ​confirmed by handsome backpacker Alex, who has quite ​the story about Dorian’s past. Lily is more than a little ​surprised when Dorian Khan seeks her out. Could they ​actually become friends? And what’s more, has she been ​what she hopes never to be ... stupid?

The Quiet and the Loud

George's life is loud. On the water, though, with everything hushed above and below, she is ​steady, silent. Then her estranged dad says he needs to talk, and George's past begins to wake ​up, looping around her ankles, trying to drag her under.

Everything is a blaring, blazing mess. Could Calliope, the girl who has just cartwheeled into ​George's world and shot it through with brilliant, dazzling colour, be her calm among the ​chaos?

A powerful story of hope and friendship.

Loyalty is tested, and a cruel twist of fate leads to an act of ultimate betrayal in this epic story ​that spans a city, a decade, and the divide between life and death itself.

Twig is all alone after his dad goes missing. But when he meets Flea, a cheerful pickpocket, the ​pair become fast friends. Together, Twig and Flea raise themselves on the crime-ridden streets, ​taking what they need and giving the rest to those even poorer. Life is good, as long as they ​have each other. But then Twig wakes up in the Afterlife. With just a handful of vague ​memories, a key, a raven, and a mysterious atlas to guide him, he tries to piece together what ​happened and to find his way home.

Students can also access e-books and audiobooks throughout the holidays from our e-reading platforms SORA ​and Wheelers. Use your school email and password to log in and borrow an e-book or audio book any time.

The Premier’s Reading Challenge

Don’t forget to keep logging your books for the 2024 ​Premier’s Reading Challenge!

It is not too late to participate and the July school holidays ​are a great time to catch up on reading! Simply, scan the QR ​code to complete an entry form, or click the link in the ​Compass Notification.

What Our Staff Are Reading

Mr Kemmis:

Directed, by James Burrows

“Recently I finished reading an autobiography of James Burrows. This individual is a well-​known American director of many successful situation comedies (sit-coms), such as Friends ​and Cheers. He provides a rather candid 'behind the scenes' view of how television shows are ​created and planned, prior to release on television. I found this text rather fascinating, as ​besides reading about his own personal story, I also discovered that there have been (and still ​are to this day), many shows that do not make it beyond the pilot stage.

I would thoroughly recommend this book to anyone who would like to know a little bit more ​about how sitcoms are designed to capture their audience.”

Mrs Hanratty:

Remarkably Bright Creatures, by Shelby Van Pelt


Remarkably Bright Creatures, is an exploration of friendship, reckoning, and hope. ​After Tova Sullivan's husband died, she began working the night shift at the Sowell Bay ​Aquarium, mopping floors and tidying up.

Tova becomes acquainted with curmudgeonly Marcellus, a giant Pacific octopus living at the ​aquarium. Marcellus knows more than anyone can imagine but wouldn't dream of lifting one of ​his eight arms for his human captors--until he forms a remarkable friendship with Tova….

We hope to see you in the Library soon!

Happy Reading

Ms Sharman, Mrs Ayden, Mrs Berman & Miss Brogan


Accommodation in the Sydney CBD whilst studying

Interested in accommodation in the Sydney CBD whilst ​studying at the University of Sydney, UTS, Notre Dame, or ​any other university in Sydney? Head to the St Andrew's ​College Open Day at these universities, which are ​happening on the same day.

St Agnes Catholic High School students are warmly ​invited to attend the Open Day on Saturday, 31st August. ​This is a wonderful opportunity to explore ​accommodation options and world-class facilities.



These sessions will be delivered online by highly ​qualified teachers and will include content analysis, ​tips and strategies, and a detailed exploration of key ​syllabus and curriculum areas. Students also have the ​opportunity to sit a practice exam and deconstruction, ​with feedback and advice.

Register your interest at:

Register for ACU Open Day.

Go in the draw to win an incredible prize

Register your interest for ACU updates and you can go in the draw to win $2,500 towards your future study expenses at ACU ​(for example, on textbooks or studying abroad at our Rome Campus). You could also win a MacBook Air.

T&C apply.








Football the Sam Kerr way

Join us for a full day of Sam Kerr Football fun at our ​School Holiday Masterclass. Ideal for mini-Kerr's in ​the making, or those who are new to the game, our ​one-day Masterclass helps players to develop ​foundational football skills, individual ball mastery ​and football confidence.

Date ​Time

Thursday 18 July 2024 ​9am — 3pm, a full day of fun

Blacktown Football Park

For kids aged 6 — 14 years old




Players of all skill levels welcome


Full day training ​program


Masterclass ​training tee

Fun, team based ​game play

Sam approved ​football program

Prizes and ​certificates

Individual ball ​mastery sessions

A full day of fun

9AM - 3PM

Mental health and ​wellbeing session

Masterclass FAQ’s

Can I attend if I don’t

live in the area?

Absolutely, anyone can attend any of the Masterclass ​locations. Simply choose the most convenient location when ​you register.

Can I attend if I’ve never

played football before?

SKF Masterclass is designed to challenge players of all levels.

Our focus is on individual ball skills & development, whether

you are new to the game or a mini-Kerr in the making.

Can I drop my kids at the

Masterclass for the day?

Of course, the Masterclass program is designed so that your ​kids can be left to train with the SKF team — no parent ​interaction required. However if you would prefer to stay and ​watch, you are more than welcome.

What will I need to

bring for the day?

Players will need to wear boots or sneakers and comfortable

clothing, and they will be given an SKF training jersey that

they can wear on the day and take home. They will also need

to bring snacks and lunch, a water bottle and their best Sam

Kerr Football attitude.



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It is more important than ever that we are able to communicate effectively, especially when it involves the safety of our children. If you haven't already, we ask that parents download the Compass app onto their devices for either Apple or Android.

  • Compass is a web-based system allowing you to access up-to-date and meaningful information about our school and your child’s progress. Compass includes many different features, including the ability to:
  • Be informed of important updates, events, and reminders
  • View your child’s timetable
  • Review your child’s attendance
  • Provide explanations for periods of absence
  • Update your contact details
  • Book Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences.

Compass is accessible on any modern web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) or by using the Compass iOS or Android apps.

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